Home The Role of the Shareholder

The Role of the Shareholder

By Admin
3 articles

The Role of the Beneficiary

What does it mean to be a Beneficiary of a protection plan? As Beneficiary you are selected by the plan owner of a protection plan to safeguard one of the shares that is part of the protection plan. Your share contains a fragmented and encrypted portion of the secret data stored in the protection plan. By merging your share with the shares of other Beneficiaries in a merging proces initiated by an appointed Merge Authority, the secret data in the plan can be unlocked. How do I know if I’m a Beneficiary? When you are a Beneficiary you either receive an email that notifies you that the plan owner selected you as Beneficiary or the plan owner gives you a SafeKey pro device with an Inheriti share on it. How do I know who else is Beneficiary? The decision of who becomes a Beneficiary rests solely with the plan owner and is determined during plan creation. If this information is not included in the plan description or not shared by the plan owner, there is no way to know. Can I read the secret data on my share? No. The Inheriti architecture ensures that the secret data can only be accessed by merging the shares under the conditions set by the plan owner. Your share only contains fragmented and encrypted data, all security measures ensure that not any part of the secret data can be revealed. How do I know what secret data is protected with the plan? The decision about what secret data is included in the protection plan rests solely with the plan owner and is determined during plan creation. If this information is not included in the plan description or not shared by the plan owner, there is no way to know. How do I know whether a protection plan is still active? There is no way for the Beneficiary to know whether a protection plan is still active or canceled by the plan owner. Consider contacting the plan owner or merge authority if you want to know since they both have access to an overview of the active protection plans. Can I initiate the merging of a protection plan with my share? Only designated Merge Authorities are eligible to initiate the merging process for Inheriti shares. You will be notified of your status as a Merge Authority via email and it will also be visible in the plan details on the Storage section of the SafeKey Mobile app. How come one of my shares is missing? When a plan owner deletes his protection plan, the associated share will be deleted from the SafeKey Mobile app. Can Inheriti recover my share? No. Inheriti cannot recover your plan share or any Secret Data.

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

Claim shares with SafeKey Mobile app

How will I know I can claim a share? If the plan owner has chosen you as a shareholder, you will be notified by email that a share is waiting for you to claim. The plan owner's provided email address will be used for notification. Click here for more information about The Role of the Shareholder. For secure storage on your mobile device, use the SafeKey Mobile app to securely store your share. Download it on the Apple Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android). Click here for more information about the Use of SafeKey Mobile app. Make sure to save the notification email in a secure location for future access, in case you need to re-claim your share. This may be necessary if the SafeKey Mobile app is no longer accessible, such as in the event of loss of your mobile device. What are the steps of claiming a share with the SafeKey Mobile App? 1. Follow the guideline in the email and download an install the SafeKey Mobile app. 2. Go the Main tab in your app and Claim the plan share. 3. Choose whether you want to keep a backup of the share on Inheriti. Confirm claim with your PIN code. 4. If verify ownership is chosen by the plan owner, either: - Open the Inheriti Notification email on the same device your SafeKey Mobile app is on, and tap the link. - Open the Inheriti Notification email on another device than your SafeKey Mobile app is on, and scan the QR code with you SafeKey Mobile app. 5. Check whether you share is verified and stored under Verifies under the Storage tab . Make sure to save the notification email in a secure location for future access, in case you need to re-claim your share. What are the conditions for claiming a share with the SafeKey Mobile App? 1. Be eligible to use the Inheriti Service. 2. Ensure your device meets common technological and market standards and is kept up-to-date. 3. Have an internet connection. 4. Have your SafeKey Mobile PIN code ready. 5. If you need to verify ownership and want to use the option of scanning the QR code, you’ll need a second device with the Notification email on it. Why do I need to verify ownership in my SafeKey Mobile app? All mobile shares receive an additional security layer that prevents unauthorized access to the shares that are waiting to be claimed. Part of this security measure is that shareholders need to verify their share ownership. This can be done manually by scanning the QR code or use the link in the email sent to you. The other option is to have the verification done automatically by Inheriti. For more information click here. How can I make my share re-claimable on my SafeKey Mobile app? You can make your share re-claimable by: - Choosing for a backup of your share on Inheriti. - Saving the notification email in a secure location for future acces, so you can verify ownership with the link or QR code in the email. This is only needed if the plan owner has chosen to have the verification done by the shareholder, which is the case if you also had to verify after the first time you claimed the share. What happens if I do not claim my share with the SafeKey Mobile app? When a shareholder does not claim their share and also does not claim ownership of the share if it the plan owner has so chosen, the protection plan will not become active. The plan owner has an overview of which shareholders have claimed and verified ownership of their share. Where to find the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the SafeKey Mobile app? The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy can be found:

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024