Home The Role of the Shareholder Receive a SafeKey Pro device

Receive a SafeKey Pro device

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

What is a SafeKey Pro?

SafeKey Pro is a specialized hardware device that provides robust offline storage for your shares. Using a SafeKey Pro ensures that your shares are physically isolated from the internet, protecting them from cyber attacks and unauthorized online access.

More information in about using a Safekey Pro here and on the SafeKey website.

What does it mean when someone appointed me as an heir of a protection plan?

When a protection plan owner gives you a SafeKey pro device with an Inheriti share on it, its means that a protection plan owner selected you as an heir in their protection plan.

What do I do with the SafeKey Pro device?

First of all, safeguard it and make sure you know what the key is for when the time comes to use it. When the time comes and you receive an email request to join the merging proces of a protection plan, than follow the steps as explained in this article.

After launch - Where can I find the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of a SafeKey Pro?

You can I find the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of a SafeKey Pro here.

How do I set up and manage my SafeKey Pro device?

More information about how to manage your SafeKey Pro device can be found in this article.