The Role of the Merge Authority
What is the Merge Authority?
The Merge Authority is the person appointed by the plan owner during plan creation, who is the only one granted to
initiate the merging process of a protection plan. More information about the Merging Process: .
How do I know if I’m a Merge Authority?
When you are appointed as a Merge Authority and the storage method is the SafeKey Mobile app, then this is stated in the
email you receive, and can also be seen in the plan details on your SafeKey Mobile app.
When you are appointed as a Merge Authority and the storage method is the SafeKey Pro, then you can see whether you are
the Merge Authority in the plan details when connecting your SafeKey Pro device to the SafeKey Desktop. .
Additionally, you may also be consulted or informed upfront by the plan owner.
In what circumstances does the Merge Authority initiate the merging process of a Data Backup plan?
The Data Backup plan is created to safeguard and protect secret data. Whenever the secret data is required, the merging
process can be initiated. After the plan triggers are validated by the plan owner or by the plan owner designated
person, the secret data will be accessible.
In what circumstances does the Merge Authority initiate the merging process of a Digital Inheritance plan?
The Digital Inheritance plan is created to transfer access data to designated others, such as loved ones or business
partners. Whenever there is a reason to assume the plan owner is incapacitated, the shares can be merged. After the plan
triggers are not validated by the plan owner or by the plan owner designated person, the secret data will be accessible.
If one of the triggers is validated by the plan owner or by the plan owner designated person, the secret data stays
How does the Merge Authority initiate the merging proces?
How many times can the Merge Authority initiate the merging proces of the same protection plan?
The secret data can be unlocked as many times as you like. Please take note that if SMS and phone call triggers are
included, there need to be enough credits purchased or added to the plan afterwards to be able to validate those
triggers. Additional credits can be purchased by the plan owner in the plan details overview and under the menu
Does the Merge Authority need to know the beneficiaries of a protection plan?
No. It is not needed to know who the beneficiaries are and what their contact details are upfront. The plan owner has
selected their shareholder(s) and included this information to the protection plan.
Does the Merge Authority have access to all shares?
No. A Merge Authority only has access to their own share. In the situation that another shareholder fails to provide
their share, the Merge Authority may utilize a backup share if that was previously selected by the plan owner during the
plan creation.
How does the Merge Authority know when to use one of the recovery shares?
The merging process is open indefinitely, so it is up to the Merge Authority to determine when to use recovery shares to
achieve the required plan threshold as determined by the plan owner during plan creation.
What if the Inheriti platform is closed while the plan triggers are activated?
When the Inheriti platform is closed, the countdown of the plan triggers will continu. To re-enter the platform, simply
repeat the initial steps for initiating the merging proces.
How long will the merging process be open for beneficiaries to upload their shares?
The merging process is open indefinitely. At a certain point, the Merge Authority may decide to abort the merging or use
recovery shares as a replacement, if added by the plan owner during creation.
Can the Merge Authority be involved in the merging of multiple plans at the same time?
Yes. A Merge Authority can be involved in multiple plans simultaneously, as a Merge Authority, shareholder and plan
owner, and using the SafeKey Mobile app and the SafeKey Pro device.
Can the Merge Authority still initiate the merging process if they lost access to their share?
Yes. When the Merge Authority has no acces to their share anymore, their merging proces cannot be completed. The Merge
Authority’s share is a prerequisite for the merging proces.
Can the Merge Authority reassign or transfer their role?
Yes. Once a protection plan is established, the role of the Merge Authority cannot be changed. The unique feature and
strength of blockchain is its inability to be modified once a smart contract has been entered. You can reassign or
transfer your Merge Authority role by creating an Inheritance plan with instructions for transferring these
responsibilities in case of your unavailability or passing. This ensures the transfer of the Merge Authority
responsibility even in unexpected circumstances.
What if the Merge Authority is no longer available?
In the unexpected circumstance that the Merge Authority becomes unavailable, you can create a new plan and designate a
new Merge Authority to ensure continuity.
You can also encourage your Merge Authority to create their own inheritance plan with instructions for transferring
their responsibilities in case of their unavailability or passing. This proactive approach ensures the transfer of the
responsibility even in unexpected circumstances.