What are the conditions for starting the Merging Process with a SafeKey Pro device?
Being appointed as Merge Authority.
SafeKey Pro device with your plan share on it.
Up to date and secure computer with a USB-A port and Chromium based browser. More information about using the SafeKey Pro here.
Stable internet connection.
Your SafeKey Pro PIN code.
What are the steps for starting the Merging Process of a Data Backup or Digital Inheritance plan with SafeKey Pro?
Use a computer and go to one of the options:
Login page of the Inheriti platform on another device than the device your SafeKey Mobile app is on, and click on Merge Inherit plan button. If you happen to be logged in to your Inheriti account at that time, please log out and go to the login page.
Open the plan you want to merge and click the Merge button.
Select the beneficiaries you wish to involve in the merging and activate the countdown for the dead man switches.
Wait until you receive a confirmation email that the plan owner validated at least one of the dead man switches, then go back to the plan overview on the Inheriti platform on the same device you started the merging proces, and:
Send automated email requests to the SafeKey Mobile shareholders to join the merging by uploading their share online.
Personally contact the SafeKey Pro heirs to have their SafeKey Pro devices physically present to connect to your computer at the time of the merging.
Add your own share as Merge Authority:
Connect your SafeKey Pro to the computer, enter PIN code.
Place your finger on SKP to confirm release.
If the plan owner did respond to one of the dead man switches, you will receive an email that the merging proces is aborted.
Once the minimum required number of shares is uploaded, the merging process is completed. Choose the desired timeframe for the plan to be unlocked and for the secret data to be visible. When the chosen timeframe elapses, the plan will close and the merging process can be initiated anew.