Home Joining the Merging Process as a shareholder Join the Merging with the SafeKey Pro device

Join the Merging with the SafeKey Pro device

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

How do I know my share is needed for a Merging Process?

If your share is involved in a merging process, you receive an email with the request to connect your SafeKey Pro to the computer of the Merge Authority and release your share. Take note, your SafeKey Pro needs to be physically present for the merging process to be completed.

What are the conditions for joining the merging process of a Data Backup or Digital Inheritance plan as SafeKey Pro beneficiary?

  1. SafeKey Pro device with your plan share on it.

  2. Computer with a USB-A port and Chromium based browser.

  3. Stable internet connection.

  4. Your SafeKey Pro PIN code.

What are the steps for joining the Merging Process of a Data Backup or Digital Inheritance plan as SafeKey Pro beneficiary?

  1. Have your SafeKey Pro device physically present to connect to the computer the merging process is on.

  2. Connect your SafeKey Pro to the computer the merging proces is on, enter PIN code and place your finger on SKP to confirm release.

Once the minimum amount of shares are collected the secret data is unlocked and visible to the Merge Authority.